I have each small picture labeled.
Click on it to see the big picture without the words.
Pictures of my friends here at Liberty
My Parent's Visit to Liberty [8-20-04]
Pictures of Drama's I was in for Church
My First time flying a plane
Nov. 7th 2004
Dessert Theater at my Church
Wagner comes from Brazil to Visit America!
My 21st Birthday Video
Click here to watch the Video
Click here to watch the Video
My trip home for Christmas
This was my Missions Trip to Brazil
We made lots of new friends!!
We ministered to a great City
We did concerts everywhere.. from churches & malls to aeroibics classes and restaraunts
I became a part of this great family!
Food in Brazil was Excellent!
The beauty of Gods creation was all around us!
Our main ministry was at schools all over Sao Jose Dos Campos
These are some left over pictures I wanted to display but didn't really have a category for.
I have many many more pictures I didn't put online but I would love to show the rest if you ask sometime. This was only about 60% of them all.
Here are my pictures!
Click one to make it bigger.
These are some Drawings I made for Allie's Birthday
This part is all about my beautiful girlfriend!!
(and smart, and cute, and amazing, and pretty, and incredible, and georgeous and.. and..and..)
Memorial Day I went to the mountains with some church friends Had a great time with Dennis!
Random Pictures with no category
Here are my pictures!
Click one to make it bigger.
Webcam snapshots