A Tribute to My Good Friend

Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative.

City: Seattle
State: Washington
Type/Breed: Beagle
Sex: Female
Weight: 42 lbs
Coat Color: Black/Brown/White
Eye Color: Lovely Brown
How do I say Good-Bye to my very best friend, My Little cuddly pup who I've loved up till the very end. I remember as if it were yesterday. That day I got out of school on my 14th birthday. As I neared the car to get home, I laid my eyes on the soon to be greatest Dog I would have ever known. You came into my life on a sunny Feburary day, I never knew what an imprint on my life you would make. I remember bringing you home. You were so small and cuddly with your tiny paws and soft fur. You bounced around the room with your eyes flashing and ears flopping. What better name to give a Dog such as you, then the name "Happy".
Just like any other Dog, you loved human food... and unlike most other humans... I loved to give it to you. Soon you got to the point where you were almost as wide as you were long. One of your favorite passtimes next to eating and sleeping was Shredding paper, making a mess of the house and chewing on everything in sight. When I scolded you, you just put your head down and looked up at me with those innocent eyes as if to say," I'm Sorry, but I'll do it again as soon as you're not looking." (She always did).
As it is said, A dog can express more with his tail in minutes then a human can express with his tongue in hours. You always expressed your love to me so quickly in a short time as I walked through the door at the end of the day. When I had a long day at school and work, as I came home, you would be waiting for me with your tail wagging just to say, "Welcome home! I missed you!" This would then be proceeded by your running around the house and sliding across the kitchen floor and running into walls. Jumping on my bed and throwing blankets everywhere.. then you would run back and jump on me and do it all again. You never had a bad day and I could always count on you to be there for me. When I sat down to watch TV, you would lay as close to me as you could get looking for attention. I would feel the nudge of your head, then again more insistent the second time, until my hand rose and you gently slide under. Your whiskers would tickle my wrist, And my hand always enjoyed the cool silkiness of your fur. You would then saunter past to settle against the curve of my legs, You never asked for anything more than to have me pat your head as you would go to sleep with your head over my leg.
When new people came over, friend or foe, you never made a fuss, you would just look them over and then seem to say "you're welcome here with us" Each night as I went down to sleep, you always seemed to be there right before me. My pillow was taken and I felt so bad, so I would just cuddle beside you and snuggle right in.
We soon started to get older. As you got older, you moved around more slowly. As I got older I became more busy. Sooner or later my time had come, I had to leave you and move away. I remember that day as my van was packed full. I walked down the steps as you watched me go. I gave you one last hug before I went and you had no idea that would be your last hug for awhile.
Christmas drew near and I came home for a few weeks and again you were waiting with that wagging tail. Those few weeks I was home you were loved oh so much. And re-fattend up as you licked all my plates. That time was so short as I soon had to leave, this time you seemed to know what was happening. You wimpered and cried as I got in the car with suitcase in hand and off once again.
The year was so long as I studied and worked. I went from Frosh to Soph and continued some more. As I was away I would watch over other dogs and enjoy thier company... but depiste all the love and cheer they provide. They were never the same as you my little pup "Happy". I started to miss your sweet little face your button brown eyes and your cold wet black nose.
It came time again and Christmas was near. I hopped on a plane and headed for home. It was shorter this time.. just over a week. We both did not know this was our last time to love and to play together with hope. I walked you and played with you just as before. You slept on my bed and begged at my feet. The time drew near once again to head back to school in lynchburg, my new home away from home. I wish I had loved you more that last day. But little did I know your time was so near.
I fed you for the last time that day, and filled your water to the brim. That was the last time you lied next to me and the last time I could embrace your pudge. I scratched you and pet you and I then went away. You had that look in your eye that said "I'll see you next time" you ploped right down as your ears flopped over and you watched as the car turned the corner. That was the last time I saw you and the last time you saw me. But we both had no idea as I was flying away.
Later that year the phone call came my dad and mom on the line with sadness in thier voice. My doggie had died there was nothing I could do, that car had hit her just a little too hard. They said she was not bruised or battered or bleeding... she just lay there... as if she was sleeping. That was the end of my favorite animal friend.
Happy brought such happiness into our home and to our lives...I had felt so blessed to have a dog such as she. That day, there was no wagging of tail With her "I love you" gaze ~ only hearts left with much sadness remembering fun-filled days.
We must remember to be thankful for the time and love our animals give us while they are here. Take time to enjoy them and learn from them. As painful as it is to lose them, they teach us to love unselfishly, they teach us to live each day to the fullest, they teach us to grow old gracefully, and they teach us to die with dignity. We do them disrespect to focus only on the sorrow of their death when they have given us so much joy through their life. If we wish to honor them, take what they have given us, all that love, and give it back to someone else.
One Final Note: I wanted to share this great poem by an unknown author
God is love
Love is God
To show His love
He sent us Dogs
For here we all are
In search of true love
To find who we are
And learn unconditional love
My dog is love
Love is my dog
For he always loves
As he is from God
For God loves us all
And to help us learn love
He sent us His angels
Dogs, with unconditional love